edited by Claudia Milbradt, written by Marc Besen, Christoph. J. Crützen, Alexandra Diehl, Anette Gärtner, Heiner Hugger, Claudia Milbradt, Wolfgang Schönig, Anja Schwarz, Lisa Simon, Henrik van Volxem, Thorsten Vormann
2012, 344 pages
ISBN 978-3941389168
€ 128,–
Author Archives: admin
Mergers and Acquisitions in Germany
edited by Christoph Louven, written by Christoph Louven, Tobias Böckmann, Tim Oliver Brandi, Kristina Ernst, Annika Flues, Heiko Gemmel, Arnt Göppert, David Alexander Jüntgen, Angela Kölbl, Michael Leistikow, Barbara Lepper, Alexander Loos, Kerstin Neighbour, Holger Stabenau, Martin Sura, Heiko Tschauner, Jens Uhlendorf and Thorsten Volz
2012, 324 pages,
ISBN 978-3-941389-09-0
€ 128,–
Business Law in Germany
2012, 342 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-15-1
€ 98,–
edited by Hans-Christian Ackermann and Dr. Michael Rath, written by Hans-Christian Ackermann, Dr. Stefan Altenschmidt, Silvia C. Bauer, Rüdiger Bonnmann, Ingo Erberich, Dr. Ulrike Freigang, Dr. Michael Fritzsche, Dr. Franz-Rudolf Gross, Dr. Hans-Georg Hahn, Dr. Richard Happ, Dr. Stefanie Hellmich, Dr. Helmut Janssen, Dr. Thomas Kapp, Dr. Rolf Kobabe, Dr. Thomas Kuhnle, Claudia Leyendecker, Dr. Detlef Mäder, Achim Meier, Dr. Alexander Mönnig, Ulf-Dieter Pape, Dr. Michael Rath, Dr. Wulff-Axel Schmidt, Dr. Volker Schneider, Ulrich Siegemund, Dr. Holger Stappert, Volker Steimle, Dr. Detlev Stoecker, Thomas Weidlich, Reinhard Willemsen, Jutta Wittler and Dr. Angelika Yates
Continue reading
International Dispute Resolution, Volume 3
The Role of Precedents
edited by Carl Baudenbacher
2011, 256 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-08-3
€ 98,–
In October 2010, renowned authorities in the field of international dispute resolution from Europe, North America and Asia gathered in St.Gallen to discuss »The Role of Precedent in Dispute Resolution«. Continue reading
Judicial Protection in the European Economic Area
International Conference by the EFTA Court on 17 June 2011
edited by EFTA Court
2012, 239 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-10-6
€ 98,–
The volume contains the speeches of the international conference hosted by the EFTA Court on 17 June 2011 on »Judicial Protection in the European Economic Area«. Continue reading
Being a Board Member in Germany
A manual for English-speaking members of management boards and supervisory boards of German AG, GmbH and SE
Christof von Dryander and Klaus W. Riehmer (Editors), written by Christof von Dryander, Klaus W. Riehmer, Jens Hafemann, Tobias Kircher and Dirk Matthes
2011, 402 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-07-6
€ 128,–
This book on the obligations of and risks for management and board members in German corporations is intended Continue reading
International Dispute Resolution, Volume 2
Dialogue Between Courts in Times of Globalization and Regionalization
edited by Carl Baudenbacher
2010, 244 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-06-9
€ 98,–
The topic of the 2nd St. Gallen »International Dispute Resolution Conference« was »Judicial dialogue« from various perspectives. The conference featured outstanding speakers with rich experience in their respective fields. Continue reading
Dreaming Law
Comparative Legal Semiotics
by Bernhard Großfeld
2010, 302 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-05-2
€ 148,–
Comparative lawyers have to deal with many questions: What is law at home and abroad, what are legal rules here and there? How can we compare the largely unknown? Continue reading
The EFTA Court in Action
Banking Regulation in Germany
edited by Peter Scherer and Sven Zeller, written by Marc Benzler, Ute Brunner-Reumann, Gerhard Dreyer, Rainer Gallei, Andreas Rieth, Peter Scherer and Sven Zeller
2009, 296 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-02-1
€ 198,–
Not only but also in terms of banking and financial markets, the Federal Republic of Germany is one of the leading market places in Europe and thus, Continue reading
Dispute Resolution
edited by Carl Baudenbacher
2009, 360 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-03-8
€ 98,–
The International Dispute Settlement Conference, which was held for the third time in the last few years, was generously hosted by the City of St. Gallen, which followed in the steps of Austin, TX, and Salzburg. Renowned experts from all over the world, Continue reading
Fighting Product Piracy
Law & Strategies in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, UK, China, USA
edited by Claudia Milbradt, written by Isabel Carulla, Daryl Fairbairn, Anna Gruchol, Jean-Frédéric Gaultier, Ling Ho, Heiner Hugger, Diana Kaufmann, Emmanuelle Levy, Mélanie Loos, Montserrat Lopez-Bellosta, Barbara Maucher, Claudia Milbradt, Alexandra Pygall, Daniel Royle, Wolfgang Schönig and Audrey Shum
2009, 422 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-01-4
€ 198,–
Tactics in M&A Arbitration
edited by Karl J.T. Wach and Frank Meckes
2008, 478 pages
ISBN 978-3-941389-00-7
€ 198,–
Disputes regarding M&A transactions are often subject of arbitration proceedings. Their inherent flexibility creates scope for manoeuvre that, skilfully handled, can significantly contribute to the successful outcome of a dispute. Continue reading
Business Laws of Germany
edited by Thomas Wegerich
Book – softbound
3rd edition, 2012
ISBN-13: 9780314900050
$ 100,00
Please order your copy at tyesha.witcher@thomsonreuters.com